
Diagnostic facilities available

CT Scan

Thukral Diagnostic Centre Pvt. Ltd. (TDCPL), is well equipped with - Latest in class Multi-Slice, Ultra-Fast, Low Radiation dose (ASIR) WHOLE BODY CT SCANNER (WIPRO-GE), with some other latest features like - organ dose modulation (to save eye, breast and genital organs), clarity panel detectors, Z-resolution, 3D mA modulation etc.

CT scanning is fast, painless, noninvasive (plain CT) and accurate. In emergency cases, it helps in revealing internal injuries quickly enough to help save lives.

Various CT Facilities are

  • CT Head
  • CT Thorax
  • CT Abdomen
  • CT Limbs
  • CT angiography and Triphasic CT
  • Dental Scan.


The centre is well equipped with 3 latest, state-of-the-art color-doppler ultrasound machines of Wipro G.E. and Samsung. Ultrasound is the best available non Invasive diagnostic tool, and we offer wide range of multi-frequency high resolution probes for various sonographic workup including TIFA.

Ultrasound imaging uses high frequency sound waves to produce images of the internal organs and tissues of body. It helps diagnosing the cause of pain, swelling, infection, tumour and effects of trauma in the body. It is the modality of choice in examining an unborn child (fetus) in pregnant women, as can be repeated as many times as needed without any side effects. In infants ultrasound is also used to evaluate the brain, gastric outlet lesions, hips and spine.

It helps guide biopsies, diagnose heart conditions and assess damage after a heart attack

Various USG facilities are -

  • Whole, Upper, Lower, Pelvis, KUB, OBS., TVS, TRUS, Follicular Monitoring.
  • OBS TIFA study -by appointment only
  • HRSG - Breast, Thyroid, Orbit, Scrotum, Musculo-Skeletal etc.

Digital X-ray

At Thukral Diagnostic Centre Pvt. Ltd, we offer digital X-ray facilities through High resolution digital X-ray machine of Kodak with latest CR system & high D.P.I. camera. It is environment friendly and accredited by the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB). Digital X-rays are safer as compared to traditional X-rays as they reduce the amount of radiation exposure to the patient. It is simpler, transferable, can be shared with enhancement of images also possible. They can be used for all routine X-rays as well as in specialized imaging studies.

X-ray Facilities are -

  • Routine X-rays
  • All Radiological procedures like - IVP (Intravenous Pyelogram), Barium studies, MCU, RGU, Sinogram, Fistuloram, T-tube Cholangiogram etc.

Clinical Pathology

The centre is having a complete computerized pathology laboratory with Automatic Analyzer, ELISA reader and cell counter. Clinical pathology deals with the study of blood, urine, stool, cerebrospinal fluids, and other body fluids like ascitic fluid, pleural fluid, synovial fluid, etc., for clinical evaluation, thus helping Clinicians in reaching to a final diagnosis. A team of highly trained, experienced and dedicated technical staff of the department makes sure that accurate and complete reports are delivered on time.

Histopathology & Cytopathology

Histopathology deals with the gross and microscopic study of diseased tissue, needed for diagnosis or prognostication. Cytopathology is a sister science to histopathology and deals with the microscopic study of free cells or tissue fragments.

Other facilities under same roof are:
  • ECG
  • 2D / Color Echo-cardiography
  • Endoscopy (including Colonoscopy)
  • PFT
  • Allergy Testing

Necessary instructions for the patient

For ULTRASOUND examination

  • For Upper abdomen (UPPER ABD.), - Fasting of 6 hours before the test is needed. Don't eat anything, Can drink only water.
  • For Lower abdomen (LOWER ABD.) / OBS/ TIFFA / KUB / PELVIS / TVS / HRSG / COLOR DOPPLER – Fasting not needed.
  • Do not urinate for 3 hours prior to ultrasound examination.
  • Drink 5-6 glasses of water from 2 hours prior to appointment.

For CT SCAN examination

  • CT ABDOMEN / UROGRAPHY / ANGIOGRAPHY - The patient should not eat anything for 3 to 5 hours before the abdomen scan.
  • The patient should bring all the previous tests / investigations reports related to their disease.
  • In some special circumstances, it is necessary to inject contrast into blood for a complete study.

For X-ray,Radiological procedures, Pathological tests, Endoscopy, Colonoscopy etc.

  • Kindly contact the reception for preparation, as it varies for different tests.